Winterr's words

Thursday, October 13, 2005


I had a nice read of the blogs today. Through Julie's blog Happy Catholic I found Exultet where Therese talks about an experience she had through prayer to do with Angels.
I enjoy reading about things like this, they are always encouraging.
Just last night I was watching a movie about an Angel "Michael" with John Travolta, not your typical angel, but an "Arch" Angel, it was a comedy type thing, I sure hope angels don't look like he did :D
Anyway enough about movies I really enjoyed Therese's post on angels, you can read it
Julie at Happy Catholic also writes of an experience, go read these things!!
posted by Unknown at 4:03 PM


Thank you for the notice. I was so afraid to post it, thinking that it was somehow prideful. I didn't even think about helping someone else, I was more thinking about someone helping me by saying "uh oh, that was wrong."

4:50 PM  

Though Michael doesn't show a very good image of angels I just love that movie. so funny and the music is great throughout.

My daughter Rose has this "mind's eye" of angels that she always has in mind. She says that no one ever gets the wings right; that they are huge. And, she says that each angel is a specific color to go with their person (of course she is speaking of guardian angels). I love that image.

5:27 PM  

Therese z, You are welcome, I was really glad to read some of that for once.
Julie d. I liked what you wrote too about the 'whoosh" and both of you felt it!
Michael doesnt show a good image, I mean walking down the stairs, scratching his crotch with a cigarette hanging out his mouth!! But yeah it was hilarious and in the end go the 2 loves together, awwww sweet!
I love what your daughter keeps in mind, children have probably go the best ideas when it comes to things us adults cannot imagine.

6:34 PM  

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