Winterr's words
Saturday, May 07, 2005
Little baby Charlotte
I came across the story of a very special girl Charlotte Wyatt.
I couldn't help but be touched by her story and her fight for life.
Charlotte was born 3 months early and was quickly put into an incubator, even before her parents could hold her, but she improved and was eating with a spoon.
But then Charlotte got a blood infection and became worse and the doctors decided that she would never recover, she became deaf and blind. The doctors said that she will always be in pain and always be blind and deaf and they urged Justice Hedley to allow them not to care for her if she would need to be ventilated again.
Then baby Charlotte improved, she could see and hear, so instead of dying she prospered, and she began to laugh and cry, but still the order not to resuscitate is there, the Judge decided not to remove the order DNR (do not resuscitate).
Charlottes parents have many times asked for Charlottes medical records, but so far no avail.
Don't you think this is unfair? That parents cannot view their own child's medical records? So who does her life belong to, the hospital? The law? The doctors said that Charlotte would be blind, deaf and in pain for the rest of her life, yet her parents didn't give up and she is alive and no longer blind, deaf or in pain, she can laugh, cry and smile.
This is wrong!!! This is Charlottes life and she belongs to her loving parents,
please read more about her here and support her case, write to her parents or join the prayer chain, or make a donation..
Hannah, actually, thank you for your blog, it's where I found out about Charlotte, you are doing a wonderful job, and the prayer chain is a great idea
I've known about Charlotte for awhile and have been wanting to blog about her (when I got the chance) but you beat me to it. The whole situtation is ridiculous. The Culture of Death thrives, doctors who go to court to convince judges to leave sick babies to die. And the parents have no say. Ugh.
I know, it's terrible and just this morning I was listening to some medical experts discussing the issue of leaving premature babies to die, so stronger babies can use the hospital utilities, they mentioned that the premature babies that are born too young normally grow up with medical problems so they need to decide whether to just let them die. This makes me mad!
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