Winterr's words
Tuesday, May 03, 2005
Partial Birth Abortion
I have recently learned about partial birth abortion. I was really saddened when I looked at the actual procedure in a diagram HERE it's ok to look at because it's in a cartoon type form, not photos (which I cant stomach anyway).
It's really such a waste of a life and kills someone who cannot speak for themselves (reminds me of Terri Schiavo).
Partial birth abortion has been preformed for years and it's definetly not a rare procedure, mothers can choose to have one just because they want one, so it's not just for health reasons. Don't you see a problem here?
Here is a statement from the Holy See about partial birth abortion:
VATICAN CITY, April 19, 1996 (VIS) -The following is the declaration made this afternoon by Joaquin Navarro-Valls, Holy See Press Office director, on the decision by the president of the United States with regard to "partial birth abortion":
"The Holy See fully supports the position taken by the cardinals of the United States and by the National Conference of Catholic Bishops. This position obviously is shared by many other persons, including non-Catholics.
"As has already been stated by the American cardinals, this presidential decision is 'more akin to infanticide than to abortion' and thus it is not surprising that 65 percent of those who call themselves 'pro choice' are opposed to 'partial birth abortion'.
"This presidential decision, in contradiction to the position of the American congress is a 'shameful veto' which in practice amounts to an incredibly brutal act of aggression against innocent human life and the inalienable human rights of the unborn.
"The fact that this presidential decision legalizes this inhuman procedure, morally and ethically imperils the future of a society which condones it.
"Naturally, this situation makes ever more urgent a greater solidarity of everyone in defense of life of the unborn, who cannot speak for themselves."
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