Winterr's words

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Tag....I'm it

As I have just noticed I have been book tagged by my fiance Jonathan. This looks like a bit of fun so here I go, I don't own a fantastic amount of books but I do love reading many types. So here I go:

1.Total amount of books I have owned: I'm guessing about 80-90 books, that included a range of books from Bibles to recipe books, motoring guides, old school books atlas, dictionaries etc.

2.Last book I bought: The last book I bought was "For the children" it's a book of the words of love and inspiration from his Holiness John Paul II.

3. Last book I read: The last book I read from cover to cover was a school book called "accounting today" boring ;) but I am currently in the middle of a variety of books.

4. Books That Mean A lot To Me: There are so many. My favorite would have to be "The New Jerusalem Bible" this was one of my Christmas presents from Jonathan, I particularly like this version a lot it's pretty special, also I make good use of my "Pocket book of Catholic Novenas" this is highly recommended by me.
I love my "Catechism of the Catholic Church" I need to refer to it and suspect always will.
"Together For Life" is a great marriage preparation book that I am reading because I am getting married soon, it's by Joseph M.Champlin.

5. Tag 5 People and have them do this on their blog:
Oh dear!! well here goes:
WAYNE from "Questions and Answers" also
SANTA From "D.E. 2:SoCali" , , Ken, Dan or Greg from "The Other Corner" Samia from "In the heart of God"
Crystal from Crystal Clear
posted by Unknown at 3:49 PM


Hey Wayne!
Just answer the questions that I have answered, no pressure though.

4:19 PM  

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