Winterr's words

Monday, February 07, 2005

The Lent Season

Well, this is my second year of experiencing lent. This is my first year doing this as a Catholic.
There has been so much to learn and the more I learn the more I remember things I used to see my grandmother doing, like not eating meat on any friday, which I do too now.
I have a few more days to figure out what it is that I will give up, I'm thinking maybe meat, and only eating foods which are necessary to eat like vegetables only and no ultra exciting things like Ice cream sundaes and my favorite "Chinese food", it's hard for me to give up anything from a Chinese restaurant.
I remember going to the Chinese buffet with my
fiance on good Friday and being very tempted, not only to eat some meat, but all the meat!!
So Lent begins on Ash weds, and we skip Sundays since they are commemorative of the resurrection.
Fasting does not have to be a starvation and it's not meant to be but it's a spiritual discipline. has some good information for those who are new to this, I need to go there a lot because there is just so much to learn for a beginner like me.
I think when we give ourselves to spiritual discipline the rewards are great.
And what is fasting meat or chocolate compared to what our Lord gave up for us anyway???
Have a blessed Lent season everyone!!! :-)

posted by Unknown at 7:51 PM


You too Carmel! May He enlarge your heart even more with His Love!
P.S. I usually give up French fries 'cause I LOVE them! : )

8:58 PM  

thank you so much!!!! And may he do the same for you too (as you give up the french fries) ;) Im glad you like the prayer and the pic of our Lady

9:41 PM  

As one who remembers and tries to observe the old Friday abstinence, I must admit that a red piece of meat can be particularly tempting on Fridays.

As a convert many years ago, one of the first lessons I learned was that temptation was not a sin, entertaing and giving in to it was. Now that I try to live our faith daily with the help of my family and God's grace, I would add that resisting temptation and sacrificing temporal pleasures strengthens the soul of a soldier for Christ (commissioned at Confirmation) and, more important, gives glory to God and shows in some small way, our love for Him, Who has given us every good we know.

With prayers for a penitential Lent of preparation for the indescribable joys of Easter,


6:57 AM  

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