Winterr's words

Monday, April 18, 2005

Still here!!

I'm still here in the USA, enjoying everything about it too!! Which is why I haven't blogged a great deal, there is so much out there in the news so I certainly have a lot to write about.
The Terri Schiavo death was pretty sad and I am still dissapointed with the outcome, but as a Christian I do know she is in good hands now, lets not forget her family who are left behind and been through so much.
Lets also not forget to pray for the new Pope, whomever it may be, as we remember John Paul II who we miss so much already.
My fiance and I went to a pre-cana semminar, it's a semminar for engaged couples, we had a great time and it was a very worthwhile experience. He writes on it herehere
Although I havent written much I am still reading all of your blogs on my links list and more.
Take care everyone!!!
posted by Unknown at 12:38 PM


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